Selamat datang di blog, kali ini saya akan memberikan informasi tentang SanDisk 16GB Cruzer Micro USB 2.0 Drive SDCZ6-016G-A11 (Refurbished) . Informasi ini saya kumpulkan dari berbagai sumber referensinya ada di bawah artikel ini, teman teman juga bisa menemukan artikel menarik lainnya dari berbagai sumber sumber terbaik saat membuka halaman Sosial Media Berita Indonesia. Nah sekarang langsung aja simak bacaan menarik ini
SanDisk 16GB Cruzer Micro USB 2.0 Drive SDCZ6-016G-A11 (Refurbished)

- So light and portable, it can be taken anywhere.
- No more lost caps! Retractable USB connector prevents accidental breakage and prolongs product life.
- Small size makes it easy to carry with a set of keys.
- The easy way to store, share and play your favorite video files.
- Refurbished by SanDisk and packaged in OEM non-retail packaging.
Cruzer Micro allows you to easily carry and transfer key documents, pictures, music and video clips from one computer to another. The new retractable USB port eliminates the need for caps and protects your USB connector.
Refurbished by SanDisk and packaged in OEM non-retail packaging.
Price: $ 13.95